Crimson ShieId wrote:Seymor Krelborn wrote:Crimson ShieId wrote:If you don't want to lose your aiming skills on Dust...
**** me! Three days on the Destiny beta and my aim has degenerated to blueberry levels!

The aim assist, man, the aim assist on that game is just the biggest destroyer of muscle memory I have ever experienced short of being away from the PS3 for a straight month!
Just kill me... ;~; its not that destiny has too much AA, it's more that the aiming mechanics are smooth and done more professional than this joke...
destiny fps mechanics are just pro... something ccp is incapable of...
Eh, I might agree, but games like Battlefield don't do to me what Destiny did to me, and it's much smoother than Dust. It really does have way too much AA, though I'm not sure whether Bungie did that because of how fast the gameplay can be, or because they, like the vast majority, just don't believe that console gamers can live without AA.

well I have played BF3 and some of the COD's, as well as single player fps like bioshock, medal of honor, etc etc
I've also played most of the halos but admittedly only campaign... destiny pvp just feels different than all of them.
at first I wasn't sure I liked it, too many one shots, very twitch, and 6v6 just felt, well, small, not epic...but as I played it more I actually began to enjoy it more than destiny pve.
once I got over the initial instinct to play destiny pvp the way I am accustomed to playing an fps, and started adjusting my playstyle to what bungie envisioned, I found it quite rewarding and competitive.
using the jetpack to flank or evade enemy fire (I discovered quickly how to use aiming down sights in the midst of floating to drop down quickly was an essential evasion tactic in destiny pvp) saving your supercharge for a group kill or at least a strategic kill,using the radar mechanic of staying still to be invis on radar and tracking other players with it etc etc... it has a very unique set of tactics and mechanics as opposed to most other fps games as well as integrating the better parts common between most fps games.
coming back to dust after the destiny beta just felt slow and clunky, as well as unimaginative and uninspired....
I still don't feel like the AA in destiny is OP, if anything the destiny beta just felt more responsive in general, and I honestly cant play more than a few games of dust now without raging at the bugs, lag, and shoddy controls.
destiny ruined dust for me too, sadly... it reminded me what a good game feels like.